ASHP Air Source Heat Pump
Most flexible Air Source Heat Pump Screw
R513A A1GWP 631

Industrial Grade Components
Capacity: 25 to 360 ton
Type: Air Source
Temp: -5°F Ambient
Compressor: Carlyle Bitzer Screw & Semihermetic
Refrigerant: R134a, R404A,R513A,R1234yf, R1234ze,R448A, R449A, R410A
Model: ECCLASH010-600

Industrial Grade Components
Features and Options
- Serviceable Compressors
- Serviceable Shell Box Heat Exchangers Titanium and Copper Tubing
- Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
- Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers
- Repairable vs Scroll Compressors
- Electronic Expansion Valve
- VFD Variable Frequency Drive Compressor or Y Delta
- EC Fans or AC VFD Fans
- Microchannel Aluminum Condenser or copper Tubes and aluminum fins

Industrial Grade Components
Air Source Scroll Heat Pump Inverter 2 Pipe, 4 Pipe, Simultaneous

Industrial Grade Components
Capacity: 12.5 to 300 ton
Type: Air Source
Temp: -5°F Ambient
Compressor: Copeland, Danfoss, Bitzer
Refrigerant: R410A, R454B
Model: ECCLAHPS250

Industrial Grade Components
Features and Options
- Scroll Compressors
- Serviceable Shell Box Heat Exchangers Titanium and Copper Tubing
- Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
- Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers
- Repairable vs Scroll Compressors
- Electronic Expansion Valve
- VFD Variable Frequency Drive Compressor Y Delta
- EC Fans or AC VFD Fans
- Microchannel Aluminum Condenser or copper Tubes and aluminum fins

Industrial Grade Components
Industrial Grade Components
The commercial building industry is rapidly changing. Historically, heating has been provided by fossil fuels, electric heat, and steam. As we have seen in the last few years, the focus has shifted toward heat recovery and heat pump technologies, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels.
There are four main types of heat pumps connected by pipes: air-to-air, air-to-water, water-to-air, water-to-water. They collect heat from the outside air, building water, or ground water and concentrate it for use in your air distribution ductwork or building water loop.
Air-Source Heat Pumps
The 2-pipe reversible ASHP, transfers heat between your water loop and the outside air in one direction or the other.
The 4-pipe simultaneous ASHP, heats and cools simultaneously between the hot water circuit, the cool water circuit and the ambient air.
Ecogreen heat pumps can reduce your electricity use for heating by approximately 50% or more depending on the outdoor conditions compared to electric resistance or gas fired heat. It also eliminates the need for boilers that burn fuels and produce carbon emissions. Ecogreen’s operating conditions offer a legitimate heating alternative in colder regions.
With reliability in mind, Ecogreen high efficiency heat pumps are designed to be completely serviceable, easy to install and maintain, with redundancy of components & power, smart electronic control, monitoring & BACnet communication.
ASHP – Air Source Heat Pump.
WSHP – Water Source Heat Pump.
2-pipe – Hot or cold entering and leaving water connections.
4-pipe – Hot and cold water independent circuits.
Reversible – Heats or cools your water loop.
Partial HR – Partial Heat Recovery.
Full HR – Full Heat Recovery.
Recip. – Reciprocating Semi-hermetic Compressor.
Screw – Helical Screw Semi-hermetic Compressor.
Scroll – Scroll Hermetic Compressor.
AIM Act – The American Innovation and Manufacturing Act.
EPA- United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Next-gen refrigerants. – HFC & HFO drop-in replacement refrigerants, pure or blends that are low GWP.
HFCs – Hydrofluorocarbons are potent GHGs intentionally developed as replacements for ODS.
GHGs – Greenhouse Gases.
ODS – Ozone-depleting substances.
GWP – Global Warming Potential, a measure of the climate impact of a GHG relative to that of CO2.
Decarbonization – Climate change mitigation by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.
Electrification – powering by electricity and changing over from an earlier power source.
Air Source Heat Pump and Inverter Chiller
The economy, Fossil Fuel crisis and Global Warming, demands not only more efficiency and rough equipment, demands Heating Produced by Heat Pumps instead Fossil Fuel Boilers, but not only Heating production, also recover the Heat produced by AC systems when this run-in cooling Mode.
Heating Water for:
- Showers
- Comfort Heating
- Pools
- Humidity Room Control and Dehumidification Reheat Coils